Our Success Relies
On Your Support

When you make a donation to The Artists Against Antisemitism, you’re helping to support our mission of raising awareness of antisemitism, promoting education about Jewish history and culture, helping those experiencing Jewish hate to fight against it, and working to build a kinder, brighter, more understanding future within the arts—all through spreading love and light.

The Artists Against Antisemitism is a registered (EIN: 99-2685353) 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Any donations generously given to support our organization are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Make a Donation

Please note that the credit card companies take a percentage of each donation. If you’re looking to make a substantial donation, please reach out for information about how to donate via ACH, wire transfer or Donor-Advised funds. 

Every donation supports our mission to build a brighter, kinder and more understanding world within the arts.

Start a Fundraiser

If you have a birthday, b’nai mitzvah or another milestone event coming up and would like to build a team of supporters to raise money for The Artists Against Antisemitism, click the button below and follow the instructions to start your fundraising team! 

Looking for someone else’s team? Click the button for instructions for that, too!

Thank You For
Lighting the Way.

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