The Artists Against Antisemitism
Annual Auction Submission Form
Thank you for donating an item, service or experience to the 2024 Artists Against Antisemitism: Share the Light auction.
Donors are Responsible for the Following:
Filling out your form with accurate information
Confirming the accuracy of your item during our preview window
Final delivery/shipping of the item to the buyer (including any shipping costs)
If you’d like to see a few examples of the unique items we featured in last year’s auction, click here to see a gallery of images. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at
Please fill out the form below for each item you are donating.
We recommend that you copy and paste any longer text to paste into the additional forms.
Thank you again for your donation.
Our team will send an email confirming that we have received your submission, and will be in contact with any questions.