The Second Annual Community Arts Project

This May, in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month and Jewish Heritage Month in Canada, we are bringing back our Community Arts Project.

Artists from all backgrounds and across all mediums are invited to contribute a work of original art in response to a prompt that captures the resiliency of the Jewish people to be featured in a virtual gallery.

Keep reading to learn more about important dates and how to submit your work.

What kind of art are we talking about?

(Almost) anything goes! Paintings. Drawings. Poetry. Photography. Music. Spoken Word Poetry. A Monologue. Jewelry. Culinary Art. 6-word-story. 18-word-story. Flash fiction*. Personal Essay*. Collage. Textiles. Mixed media. Digital art. Sculpture. Etc. (*please keep any writing submissions less than 750 words.)

When is the deadline to submit art?

All art must be uploaded via the form below by Monday, April 21st, 2025.

Where will the art be displayed?

Our virtual art gallery will open on Thursday, May 1st, 2025 and stay online through the month in honor of Jewish (American) Heritage month. Select pieces may also be shared on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

And the fine print?

The Artists Against Antisemitism reserves the right to only include submissions that align with the mission of this project: to honor and celebrate the resiliency of the Jewish people.

The Prompt

The Renewal of Spirit.

The Renewal of Hope.

To submit your artwork for the gallery, please fill out the form below by April 21st. If your submission is writing, you can copy and paste it in the field marked below. Otherwise, please email your artwork to after submitting the form.